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MIND's Leadership Conference at a Glance


Conference Concurrent Workshops at a Glance

Engaging Plenary Sessions…

1. The Art of Innovation:

Innovation is more cherished than ever.  The pace of change requires more than the tried and true.  It requires us to create the future.  But how?   In this session, we will share theory, practice and tools that are related to the art of innovation and how to cultivate the skills and leadership culture that fuels creativity and innovation in individuals and organizations.

2. Caribbean Regionalisation…. How do we Lead the Future?

The Caribbean community has a shared history, a shared culture and now more than ever before, common challenges about how we support our democratically elected leaders to create a great future for all.
If we accept the above then the question which arise is ‘how do we lead the future?’
This interactive session will attempt to examine how we, as public servants, support the creation of a new and different future. You will leave this workshop with questions for your own leadership practice; insights into regional challenges and opportunities for collaboration and new networks that you can tap into long after this conference is finished.


3. The Case of the Public Sector Learning Framework for Jamaica – Innovation, Enabling   Transformation:

The Public sector Learning Framework (PSLF) is the Government of Jamaica’s blueprint for building a culture of continuous learning and innovation within the public sector.  The Framework is holistic and comprehensive and represents a whole of government approach to the development of the sector’s human capital in support of efficient and effective public sector organizations capable of contributing to the process of sustainable national development.
The session will look at the proposition posited by the PSLF for a strategic and dedicated focus on public sector human capital development and how this will facilitate and engender the desired modernization of the public sector in support of Vision 2030 Jamaica: National Development Plan.



Concurrent Sessions at a Glance……..

1. Cultivating Compassion
Change begins from within.  When we grow to look at ourselves and the world around us with compassion, the world itself changes. Compassion is rooted in courage and caring.  Mindfulness helps to reduce stress by holding ourselves gently, with non-judgment and noticing the impact physically. It is about being fully present in the moment and creating the space to choose our thoughts and responses.  In this session we will explore the roots of compassion and practices for how to cultivate it in ourselves and our organizations. Come and experience!!

2.  Leadership and Coaching Workshop

In this session we will explore together how coaching can be used to grow your own leadership capacity to guide, support and inspire protégés, thereby create an enabling environment for Thought Leadership, motivation and organizational transformation.

3.  Creativity, Innovation, Learning and Discretion within the Accountability and Bureaucracy in the Public Sector:

The fear of discretion and taking risks has a long tradition in public administration. Shortsighted or static perspectives on accountability frequently fail to realize available control mechanisms via organizational and social processes that are not hostile to the execution of tasks, and which hold the potential for promoting discretion in the public interest by reaping the benefits of creativity, innovation and flexibility at the same time as preventing their uses for undesirable end. 
This session will contribute to the ongoing debate by exploring how, discretion, learning, innovation and accountability can co-exist within the public sector context.

4. In line or Online:  The Future of Public Service Delivery

From Twitter and Face book to inline banking and blogging, it is no exaggeration to say that technology is transforming the way many of us live our lives.  Technology opens up the capacity for information and online services to be within easy reach of citizens.  It enhances the potential for government to deliver more responsive, accountable and cost effective public services.
This session will examine how technology can facilitate innovation and transformation, and what challenges and opportunities are presented for government.  Get online!!

5.  Dying to Survive: A Journey into the Unknown

Transformation is what happens when people see the world through a new lens of knowledge and are able to create an infrastructure, never before envisioned, through actions never before taken.  Transformation is motivated by survival, by the realization that everything needs to change or the organization will die, that a significant breakthrough in mindset is needed in order to pursue new opportunities.
In this session a leader will share his/her organisation’s transformation story, and provide us with valuable insights into how we can become more courageous leaders, facilitating the emergence of new leaders from all levels of the organization, while creating enhanced citizen value through its products and services.

6.  Leading or Responding:  The Jamaica Public Sector and the Global 1Logistics Hub

While the private sector is generally considered the engine of growth in any country, it is the public sector that has the responsibility to provide the enabling environment to fuel this engine thus facilitating growth and development.  The logistics hub is proposed to transform Jamaica into a world class logistics centre. 

How should the Jamaican Public sector lead and/or respond to these developments?







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June 27 2014

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July 4, 2014

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